Breaking News – Egyptian Response to Slaughter.

Coptic martyrs icon

“Dear friends,
This is a very sad time in Egypt where we are in seven days of official mourning for the 21 young Christian men who were brutally slaughtered by ISIS in Libya on Sunday (22 February)…..”

So begins a letter from Ramez Atallah, General Director of The Bible Society of Egypt. If you do not know about this atrocity, please read the attached letter, and hopefully you too will be moved and strengthened by its contents.

Two-Lines-English – Egyptian Martyrs

Egyptian Response to 2 rows walking

SOMA Mission to Uganda

In May, four members of St Barnabas Church will be going on a Mission to Uganda, with SOMA (Sharing of Ministries Abroad). Stephen Dinsmore, National Director of SOMA UK, preached at St Barnabas on 15th February, sharing the vision of SOMA and praying for the team members.
Rev Canon Derek Smith is the team leader, who has led a number of other teams in Nigeria and Kenya. Please use the link below to view the leaflet for further information.
Please pray for this Mission and give towards the costs if you are moved to do so. Thank you.

Women’s World Day of Prayer, March 6th 2015 at 10:00 a.m.

The Day of Prayer service for 2015 has been written by the Christian women of The Bahamas. Although written by women, all are invited. Increasingly men and children are  participating. Over 36 hours, 170 countries will have taken part. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland over 5,000 services will be held, focusing on the theme of:

‘Jesus said to them, “Do you know what I have done to you?”’

For more details please read:

Press-Release-A5-1pp-x-WWDP 2015               Background-info-WWDO 2015                   WWDP-Leaflet

A press release about the event this year     Background information on the Bahamas       A leaflet about the event

Below are some photographs from the Cyprus Women’s World Day of Prayer in 2014 organised by the Women of Egypt.  Last year it was held in St Catherine’s Church, Limassol

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Blankets created for Mother Teresa Orphanage in Baghdad

Remembering Trees Project.

As part of a Diocesan project, many of our members and friends were busy knitting squares which were then made into blankets.  This project was called Remembering Trees, as the squares were dedicated to loved ones and used to decorate trees – in the case of St Barnabas’ the large tree in the courtyard at the back of the church.  When completed, some of the blankets were taken to Synod where other churches in the Diocese also brought blankets that they had made.  In total twenty one blankets were taken for a Mother Teresa orphanage for severely handicapped children and young people in Baghdad – one for each of them. Some have gone to an orphanage in Kenya, others to the needy in Cyprus

The photos show some of the blankets displayed at Synod.

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Other blankets made by St Barnabas’ will be donated to local charities through​​ Caritas who​ support migrant families in the local area .