On Friday 6th September, church families and friends met in Moni, at the lovely home of Dolly, Patrick and Layla O’Flynn. Some children had already started back at school; for others it was one of the last days of the holidays. The event was entitled Building the future to link in with the church building work. We also hope to encourage other families to become regular worshippers at St Barnabas, particularly as two of our very regular families have moved away for work. We miss them deeply!
Annabel, Rose and Marcia organised games to help people get to know each other and to have fun. The lure of the pool proved too great an attraction, and soon all the young people and some adults were enjoying the water.
Before we ate our “bring and share” meal, we had a short time of worship. Derek quoted 1 Peter Chapter 2, about us being built as living stones on Christ, the chief cornerstone. Brandon (National Director of Youth for Christ Cyprus) spoke from 1 Corinthians 12 about the mutual dependence of the members of the body of Christ. Sue showed the children the old rhyme, with hand actions:
Here is the church,
Here is the steeple,
Turn it upside down
And here are all the people.
The importance of every single person as “the body of Christ” was stressed. The younger children enjoyed praying through prayer bubbles – shake the mixture, put it on the wand, blow and pray. Then watch your prayers rise up to heaven!
During the meal, young and old mixed well and new friendships were formed. The age range was just a few months to seventies, and there were at least two grannies amongst the group. There were thirty nine of us all together, from different church backgrounds, and each one contributed in their own special way.
Now we have started up Junior and Youth Church again, we look forward to welcoming even more families to St Barnabas.
Sue Smith