Children & Young People

  Junior Church is for children between 4 and 11 years old and meets weekly in the School Room. Children start in church, go to their activities, and return to church for the Lord’s Prayer and the rest of the service.

Our children and young people breadmaking for the Harvest Festival

For ages 8 to 10 there is middle church which meets each week in the Church Hall. The format is the same in that the children start in church before leaving for the middle church activities and return for communion at the end of the service

We also have Youth Church for young people between 11 and 18 years of age.  This group meets on the first and third Sundays of the month in the Vestry. Young people start in church, go to their activities, and return to church for communion at the end of the service.

Family Eucharists take place from time to time and involve children and young people in helping to lead the worship.

We have a clear policy on the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults and always have at least two leaders taking the groups.

St Barnabas' supports Youth For Christ Cyprus - click to go to their Facebook page



September – December 2018

Junior Church will meet again each Sunday.  Linda Rich (  overseas all activities

We welcome children and young people to our church.We meet at 10 a.m. in church, then different groups take place. See the weekly Notice Sheet for more details.

  •  During August and including the first Sunday in September, we will have supervised activities for
    the 3 to 11 yr olds, in the school room.
  • Anyone younger may bring a
    parent and older young folk may come as helpers if they wish.
  • On the Second Sunday in September the groups will start again with the following schedule
  • All Age Service on the first Sunday of each Month
  • Junior, and Youth Church January to June, Sundays at 10am
  • Creche is available every week
  • Junior Church (ages 4-11) – Third Sunday (and Fifth where there is one in a month
  •  Junior and Youth  Church (ages 4-18)  meet together on the second and fourth Sundays
Fundrasing for a mission trip

If you have any questions or would like more information about our Children & Young People ministry, please get in touch using our contact form or contact Linda Rich at