
Giving is so important to our church.

Your gifts are important and appreciated greatlyWhy? We give because God first gave to us.  We give because Jesus shows the generous character of God.  This is what He is really like.  We give because the Holy Spirit is at work in God’s people releasing us into joyful giving.

What for?  Our parish is not subsidised by the Church of England or from anywhere else.  Why should it be? It is a Church called on to pay its own expenditure in full. The Church Council sets a budget to pay for a priest, for our buildings, for our wider Church family through the Diocese, and so on.  A local Church needs to practise planned, generous giving from its own budget too for the mission of the Church and other charitable purposes.  Expenditure in 2019 will be about €90,000

How much? Many Christians believe that the bible calls us to give a tenth of our income through the Church. Certainly Christians need to give in a planned, prayerful and sacrificial way reflecting the character of Jesus.

Your regular giving makes a real difference to our church – thank you for your faithfulness.

How you can give

We give week by week in Church collections, and offer others a share in this joyful expression of faith.  Cheques, standing orders, bank transfers and direct debits are all welcome.  Weekly envelopes are a way to plan Church giving into the household budget.  The blue Gift Aid envelopes enable U.K. tax payers to recover income tax from the government and add it to the value of their gift.  The Church Treasurer, Mr. Brian Forey ( ) can offer further information on the practicalities of giving.

Cash Donations

If you would like to make a donation over and above your regular giving you can place your donation in an envelope marked with your name, phone number and/or email address (or anonymously if you prefer), and simply place it in the offering. If you wish to make a donation for a special project  please make this clear.

The PayPal button is currently disabled because of some technical issues.  However, electronic transfers via out bank (details below) continue to work well.  You may transfer money in your home currency and conversion will be applied at our receiving bank end.

If you have any questions about making your donation please speak to any of the church wardens or Brian at any service, or contact us using the online form.

Bank Transfers & Standing Orders

You can make a transfer, or set up a standing order, direct to our local bank account by using the following account details:

Bank of Cyprus
A/C number: 0357014002311
Account Name: St Barnabas Anglican Church Limassol
IBAN: CY09 0020 0195 0000 3570 1400 2311