Our Mission

We, the people of St Barnabas’ & St Lazarus’ Churches in the Parish of Limassol are committed to work together, as one united family in Christ, living and sharing the GOSPEL, expressed in our Parish Vision and Mission Statement:

We, the people of St Barnabas’ & St Lazarus’ Churches in the Parish of Limassol are committed to work together, as one united family in Christ, living and sharing the GOSPEL, expressed in our Parish Vision and Mission Statement:

GLORIFY God in prayer & worship

Eucharist Sunday 10am & Wednesday 9.30 am; Prayer Fellowship Tues 9.30am, Spirituality events as announced.

Join this Journey into New Life!

OPEN our doors to all ages & backgrounds

We have an International congregation, and Arab, Iranian, German & Scandinavian Christians worship here.

SHARE faith through study, fun & friendship

We run an regular Study Groups and have a variety of social events.  

PROCLAIM the Good News by witness & outreach

Our wedding ministry and bereavement ministry bring us in contact with many people. Our monthly Table Top Sales are popular with the local community.We seek to share our faith with others.

ENCOURAGE the gifting & potential of each person

The Craft Group (Wednesdays 10am) symbolize this aim – using and developing our skills talents and gifts together.

LOVE others as Jesus loves us, radiating care & support

Members of the Pastoral Team are available for home & hospital visits